EmGroup Accounting



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We share your values and go the extra mile for your business!

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Thank you for making us your first choice, or at least your final choise

Inception since 2013…

Progress is impossible without change. We understand change…

Accountancy must support its clients and stimulating them to achieve their business goals by using their managerial insights and believing in themselves. Each business model, as well as the owner sitting behind it, is unique in its essence and requires constant efforts from both sides to preserve its uniqueness. Change is an inevitable part of life and every process in it, so let’s build a better future for our businesses together.

Your Business is our Domain


Our consulting services on tax-accounting and payroll issues can help “newly born” companies, as well as those already established on the market, to work without legal concerns and to build a good strategy for sustainability and future development.

Accounting services and Payroll

We can offer you knowledge and practical experience gained over the years, realized in a reliable high-level partnership.

Legal and regulatory services

For starting any business, the first steps are always essential. To help you start making your dreams come true, our range of legal services awaits you here.

Епични чаши
Епични чаши
Услугите им са уникални и несравними с другите счетоводители. Никъде другаде в България няма да намерите счетоводител, който действително го е грижа за бизнеса на клиентите си и който се опитва да направи всичко максимална лесно и удобно за нас. Невероятен професионализъм, загриженост и бързотa в работата. Горещо препоръчвам
Kiril Kanchev
Kiril Kanchev
Благодаря за професионализма и доброто отношение. С вас работя лесно и комфортно дори и когато казусите са трудни и напрягащи.
Професионално и коректно обслужване. Лесна комуникация, полезни съвети и адекватно справяне с различни казуси. Доволен съм от услугите им и бих работил с тях и за в бъдеще. Горещо препоръчвам!
nikolai velkov
nikolai velkov
Много компетентно и добро обслужване. Препоръчвам го на всеки който има нужда от такъв вид помощ.
daniel haydarov
daniel haydarov
Tolle Beziehung ,Professionalität, alle Dokumente waren pünktlich.Wir haben uns auf Englisch perfekt verstanden.Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen.
Emi Taseva
Emi Taseva
Страхотен професионалист. Винаги готова да подаде ръка и съвет.
Philip Baerfuss
Philip Baerfuss
Great accounting service and people that you can absolutely trust to do it properly. Perfect English, always very quick reactions to my requests, efficient way of working. Highly recommended especially for foreigners doing business in Bulgaria!
Matthew Lukanoff
Matthew Lukanoff
I am very happy with Emiliya’s team service. They are professional and deliver the highest standard of service. It is always a pleasure to work with them and everything gets resolved quickly. They make sure we stay compliant.









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