EmGroup Accounting



Start up a company

The preferred legal form for registration of a company is EOOD / OOD.

However, this is only one of many possibilities. What matters is the initial capital provided, the presence of partners, the responsibility you take on your partners and the taxes due. We can register at your request:
  • Sole trader – ET
  • Limited Liability Company – EOOD / OOD (Sole proprietorship)
  • Joint Stock Company – EAD / AD(Sole proprietorship)

Let us know your ideas and we will offer you the most appropriate solution, we will look at the differences and benefits of different options to make an informed decision that meets the needs of your business.

If you already know what will be most suitable for you, it remains to entrust us with the next steps of registration or, if you prefer, to spend personal time on some of them.

In general, the registration process includes:

  1. Checking the uniqueness and availability of the selected company name
  2. Preparation of the necessary documents according to the preferred type of legal entity
  3. Notarization
  4. Opening a bank account
  5. Registration application
  6. Obtaining a UIC
The service is also offered in remote form, according to the preferences and needs of the client.

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