Start up a company
The preferred legal form for registration of a company is EOOD / OOD.
- Sole trader – ET
- Limited Liability Company – EOOD / OOD (Sole proprietorship)
- Joint Stock Company – EAD / AD(Sole proprietorship)
Let us know your ideas and we will offer you the most appropriate solution, we will look at the differences and benefits of different options to make an informed decision that meets the needs of your business.
If you already know what will be most suitable for you, it remains to entrust us with the next steps of registration or, if you prefer, to spend personal time on some of them.
In general, the registration process includes:
- Checking the uniqueness and availability of the selected company name
- Preparation of the necessary documents according to the preferred type of legal entity
- Notarization
- Opening a bank account
- Registration application
- Obtaining a UIC
Registering a company in the Republic of Bulgaria is an easy task when you have the support of a suitable intermediary / advisor.
Our team has experience and approach in communication with foreign partners, which makes the process easy and efficient. We value your time, which is why we have worked out a quick and easy procedure in which you can receive ready-made documents for confirmed registration without leaving the comfort of your current location. You can take advantage of everything described in our standard service without having to travel to our physical office, and in the process we will accompany you with attention, understanding and competent opinion.
If you still have doubts, we offer you brief information about the benefits you can take advantage of when registering a company in the Republic of Bulgaria:
- VAT – 20% or 9%
- Corporate income tax – 10%
- Tax on representative expenses – 10%
- Tax on dividends – 5%
- Personal income tax – 10%
- Minimum insurance threshold BGN 710 (for self insurance person) and 780 (for
employees) - Maximum insurance threshold – 3400 BGN